Basically the person who released the first .jar version fucked up the entire client with changing the Lunar Client settings to an advertisement using JByteMod 1.8.2, which left the .jar unsigned, causing you to be forced to use "-noverify" in your JVM arguments. This is a high security risk, and you should not trust anyone who requires you to use "-noverify" as they could be intentionally be attempting to R.A.T. you or just doesn't even know what they're doing
The previous version IS safe, however, I wanted to set up a fix so people didn't have to fuck themselves up any further.
Changelog v1.1 (c5h6402/master):
• Reverted the shoutout to the Cucklord Autoclicker and the people who cracked it back to the original "LUNAR SETTINGS"
• Fixed the need of the JVM argument "-noverify" due to the previous version cracked being unsigned
Read this article to know more about the security issue:
Known issues:
• Screen freezes when launching the client/full-screening
• Cosmetics and Friends list do not work (For now)