
TRUE ON HIT MISS FORTUNE - League of Legends (Season 9)

TRUE ON HIT MISS FORTUNE - League of Legends (Season 9) League of Legends Miss Fortune season 9 gameplay.

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Gameplay Overview:
► Season 9 Miss Fortune Build Guide: Bloodthirster into Crit
► Season 9 Miss Fortune Runes Guide: Kleptomancy, Magical Footwear, Biscuit Delivery, Cosmic Insight, Celerity, Gathering Storm

Miss Fortune Resource List:

Welcome to my Diamond Solo Queue games. I am a Botlane / Miss Fortune main and provide insightful commentary to you while I'm fighting my way through Solo Queue and out of Elo Hell. If you want me to play a specific build or champion in the botlane as Support or ADC, let me know in the comments below.

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