Intro: soundcloud.com/pinkcubus
Background 1:
Background 2:
Vesper: (Vesper is a black, queer, non-binary, asexual (ace) vlogger and blogger also known as Queer As Cat on Tumblr and YouTube. Vesper strives to help raise awareness of the intersections of sexuality, gender and race and to increase visibility and representation for people like themself who are in the crosshairs of such intersectionality.)
Renée Yoxon: (Renée is a queer, non-binary, and disabled singer, songwriter, and pianist. For the last ten years, Renée has been living with chronic episodic pain from sacroiliac joint dysfunction, as well as other comorbid conditions. During that time they have obtained multiple degrees and awards while creating an art practice that prioritizes self and community care. Their forthcoming work draws influences from pop, folk, and jazz spheres, and explores their unique experiences as transgender, queer, and disabled.)
Dara: (Dara is a queer-identified mental health counselor who has a passion for working with gender-questioning, transgender, and nonbinary clients. They are also an author and video producer online. Their videos, “Conversations with a Gender Therapist” are some go my favorite LGBT+ resources on YouTube!)
Jeffrey Marsh: (Jeffrey Marsh was the first openly nonbinary activist to appear on national television. Jeffrey’s best-selling self-esteem guide How To Be You, is an innovative, category-non-conforming work that combines memoir, workbook, and spiritual self-help. They have also given an awesome Ted Talk you should check out!)
Kate Bornstein: (Since 1989, trans trailblazer Kate Bornstein has—with humor and spunk—ushered us into a world of limitless possibility through a daring re-envisionment of the gender system as we know it. Today, Kate identifies as nonbinary: not a man, and not a woman—and she’s been writing about nonbinary gender identity for nearly thirty years.)
Jess: (Jess has a Child Studies degree and has worked in the Human Services field with vulnerable youth and families for 14 years. Jess also educates about gender and sexuality diversity and inclusion. They are just your average non-binary, agender, queer, pan, poly, parent, total human.)
Pidgeon: (Pidgeon Pagonis has slowly, oftentimes not so quietly risen to visibility in Chicago as not only an activist on behalf of intersex people, but also as a fighter for the recognition of marginalized others in general, regardless of race, sex or gender identity, class or creed. Whether advancing youth advocacy with interACT, producing informational videos that go viral on Buzzfeed, writing for Everyday Feminism or appearing on the cover of National Geographic “Gender Revolution” special issue, Pidgeon has staked out a place at the fore of debates on intersexuality and otherness.)
My book with lots more info like this :)
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