
You Are Not Limited Because Of Your Human-ness🌟The Arcturian Council

You Are Not Limited Because Of Your Human-ness🌟The Arcturian Council Please set an intention to receive this activation and to disseminate this information through your heart space. Breathe deeply and read the slides.🙏🏽

Love you my friends.💖

The Arcturian Council:

Humans, you are not limited in your original form. So when we say to you, or you hear other higher dimensional groups or Beings say, that you are unable to interpret information coming in with your limited consciousness, we don't mean that your consciousness in its original form is limited, just in this disabled form... as you were fooled into thinking that you were less than something that you really are. But yes, humans in their original natural divine human template, intended form are vast and expansive.
Understand these higher dimensional Beings... all what you call alien races, extra-terrestrials... these Beings are mostly operating, or many that you access are operating in their multidimensional state of awareness. This is what allows them to be able to help you from this state. It is not because you are somehow less than.
It is because your consciousness was taken advantage of, exploited. Allow whatever anger needs to come up and then heal and transmute that. We advise you not to stay in anger about this. In the expanded state that you're moving toward you will understand that anger does not really serve the purpose that you once believed, at least not in that state. In this state that you are coming out of anger served the purpose of a wake up... of a match to the gasoline, to the stove... It was an ignition for you, but not necessary to harbor. In fact, quite the opposite. The harboring of anger and resentment keeps you in a lower frequency and you abandon your power in that state. You are capable of far much more than that.

End transmission.

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I am a Blue Ray integrated Arcturian Channel. The Activations that I create help humans access and unlock their Original Divine template, activating the dormant DNA strands. The codes are hidden in the messages that I channel, which are driven by the needs of the collective.

All of the messages that I channel and produce are a bridge between your conscious mental processing and your unconscious physiological and etheric embodiment.

Blessings my friends🦋

Yolanda Marie

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