
Insomnia insight #191: The C is just as important as the BC in CBT

Insomnia insight #191: The C is just as important as the BC in CBT Ellen was sleeping just a few hours, less than her sleep window of 5.5 hours. She is asking how CBTi helped her. Perhaps, it was more the cognitive part of CBTi than the behavioral part.

Do you have trouble sleeping? Can’t sleep? Have questions about insomnia or sleep? Please send me an email at and I will be happy to share my thoughts with you.

If you want to connect elsewhere I’m on Twitter @ErichsenDaniel, Instagram @Erichsen.Daniel, Facebook as Daniel Erichsen. I have a blog at and I’m working on an app called BedTyme (currently for iOS only).

Please know that you can also tune in to the Insomnia insight channel as a podcast and that you are super welcome as a guest. Just let me know!

insomnia,cbti,cognitive,behavioral,sleep,cognitive behavioral therapy,can't sleep,trouble sleeping,cognitive part,sleep restriction,bedtime restriction,sleep drive sleep wffort,sleep physiology,insomnia insight,

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