This video is describing a new herbal medicines which has ability to grow permanent new new hair.
At least it can stop hair loss at existing condition as long as you want .
what is this hair growth treatment?
it is a pure herbal treatment , without any side effect.
it has many component like tablets , hair oil, herbal powder and shampoo.
it works by reactivating dormant stem cell in lost hair. It works by revuvenating the dermal papilla stem cell.
hair oil increase hair mass, and volume while internal medicine increase rejuvenation of dormant cells. also increase digestion, metabolism . toxin removal from body is also done.
while stem cell activation is done by both the medicines.
when one can see the effect?
in a patient of 25 years age hair loss will be stopped in 45 days and regrowth starts in 3 months. very good result in 4 months.
in older patients between 26 to 35 regrowth will be done in 5 months.
in more older patients, and old baldness regrowth will be visible in 7 to 8 months.
alopecia areata, totalis and universalis regrowth is possible in 7 to 8 months.
Will the hair fall after stopping of treatment?
no, but to maintain achieve hair patient has to continue hair oil and one medicine.
is it effective in all hair loss patient?
yes, it is effective in all patients except hiv, cancer and immunodefficiency patient
any side effect ?
no side effect of this treatment , but it also improve skin condition, immunity, digestion and metabolism of patient.
One patients who started treatment one week back ,has some great news.
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