My other Youtube channel is STEVE ROB REVIEWS - fixing - building and many times comedy and lots of fun.
This channel is all about discussions on various subjects. I am respectful towards the subjects I talk about and all my viewers . I am always open minded in reading everyone's views and encourage my viewers to comment .
If you would like to see what I am up to in my life feel free to visit my Instagram page .
STEVE ROB REPORT,populist nationalism,POPULISM - NATIONALISM - THE NEEDS OF THE MANY OUTWEIGH THE NEEDS OF THE FEW,populist nationalism meaning,justin trudeau,the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,populism explained,populism vs globalism,populism vs new world order,THE new world order,nationalism,TRUMP nationalism,nationalism in canada,nationalism in europe,nationalism vs globalism,is nationalism always a bad thing,is nationalism on the rise,