Looking to find out how to choose a keynote speaker? That is an assume responsibility. Choosing the right keynote speaker can make or break your event. You'll get insights from an experienced event planner who is also a keynote speaker. He gives speeches and hires speakers, so his insiders perspective will help you choose keynote speaker.
The best Public Speaking workshop lead by world champion speakers.
World Champion Speaker, Darren LaCroix.
Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking, 2001 Winner, Darren LaCroix. 2001 was considered by many one of the most competitive years of the speech contest.
This is one the funniest, most talked about speeches in the history of the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking Since 1938. This World Championship Speech, "OUCH!" is also one of the most widely studied by speech contestants. Watch for yourself and see!
Got motivation? Out of all his motivational speeches, this one won the World Championship of public speaking.
Ever seen a Toastmasters International speech Contest winner? How about a winning speech that is improved? Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren LaCroix was invited to give his winning speech at the National Speaker Association a year after he won. This is the speech he presented on the main stage at NSA. Darren mailed his winning speech to many of the best coaches to get feedback on how to make it even better. A world-class speech is not written, it is rewritten. Enjoy! Get Darren's speaking secrets on his website:
Keynote Speaker
Looking for a keynote speaker? Want a real-life underdog story delivered with humor and inspiration? Check out Darren LaCroix.
Motivational speeches
Not all motivational speeches are the same. Some talk about overcoming adversity, Darren LaCroix lived it.
More resources:
Want a public speaking career? Would you like to be a professional speaker? Get Darren's insights from over 16 years in the public speaking business. Are you looking for a public speaking course? World Champion Speaker, Darren LaCroix's tips and techniques are better than any public speaking class you could take. Enjoy!
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