In this episode, we venture into the cave and fight some beasties (I only die once - to my credit!) only to discover that to cave more we're really gonna have to get a backpack. And, if I remember correctly, we'll need a Village to get one - well, a Leatherworker Villager to be more precise. We might, also, take on that Pirate ship that we found near spawn!
About this series:
The Crucial modpack is a "Vanilla +" modpack that seems to fit my playstyle so much better than any of the other ones out there. Let's see what happens.
I've pre-generated a 4000 chunk spiral from the spawnpoint of 0,0 for the playthrough - that is, all the chunks from -4000,-4000 to +4000,+4000 have been generated. We'll start in Singleplayer and possibly expand to Multiplayer in the future.
From the Crucial CurseForge page:
"Crucial by Vazkii_ is a vanilla-styled modpack, based on providing consistent gameplay, and upholding vanilla Minecraft's sandbox style gameplay. A decent amount of changes are made all over the place to ensure vanilla works well with the new mods, or just to create an experience I believe to be more interesting.
The pack features:
A small but curated selection of mods that improve upon the vanilla game but without changing what it is in essence.
Revamped world generation, underground and overground, nether and end.
A small amount of changed recipes to ensure more content around the place is viable.
In game documentation that is drip-fed to you as you play, but in an informative way, rather than hand-holding you.
Notes attached to many items to help you understand how to make them.
New advancements to help you discover new content, as well as new challenges.
Tweaks to mods in the aim of consistency and making this feel like a cohesive experience rather than a bunch of mods stapled together."
Shaders: SEUS Renewed v1.0.0
Theme & End Music, respectively: "Skyline" & "A Short Peace" by Noah T from the Album Terrestrial Echos (Royalty Free Pack #3). Used with Permission.
World Pre-generation Script for Minecraft 1.12.2 by Lorgon111
Get Minecraft here: www.minecraft.net
Sounds used in Titles from Freesound.org:
S: thunder3.wav by swoods800 | License: Attribution
S: Night life Ambience.wav by 170048@virtualwindow.co.za | License: Attribution Noncommercial
S: Birds and crickets at sunrise on the Gran Sabana, Venezuela. by felix.blume | License: Creative Commons 0
S: wind and trees and snow.WAV by tim.kahn | License: Attribution Noncommercial
S: Lava loop.wav by Audionautics | License: Attribution
S: wind at night.WAV by inchadney | License: Attribution
S: swamp woods.wav by cognito perceptu | License: Creative Commons 0