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We always hear about how good water is for you! Drinking it prevents headaches, helps with weight loss, maximizes physical performance, and more. But can too much water be a bad thing? Well if you consider being potentially lethal a “bad thing” then yes, yes it can be. There are a ton of names for what happens when you drink too much water (hyperhydration, water toxaemia, water poisoning, etc), but the effects are all the same. Cramping, spasming, nausea, vomiting, kidney stress, and brain-splitting headaches are just a few of the symptoms you can look forward to if you knock back a little too much H2O!
But why is it that a liquid that is considered one of the building blocks of life is so deadly if consumed in large enough quantities? And how can you prevent yourself from succumbing to its ill effects?
In this video, we’ll discuss the effects overhydration can have on your body, the amount of water that can be hazardous to your health, and give you a method of calculating the exact amount of water you should be drinking! In addition, you’ll find ways to prevent water poisoning, information on what to do should you succumb to it, and a handy test that can help determine how hydrated you really are!