Jd7d D:Wow,what a hand...for poker beginners it´s not detectable why j7(with only a 7) is pushed here...and i can understand if some players are only betting the river,but the thing is if the small blind is betting out the flop he´s got to hold something..the check on the turn is a mysterium and he gave our half pot size bet only a call that looks very much like slowplay!so what can we represent with a jack on the turn??maybe a bigger two pair then his or a set of jacks maybe three aces!in poker you always got to know when you are behind and when youre leading! so sometimes it´s not the worst thing to simply close you´re eyes and play a bluff although you need to risk all your remaining chips!
Ad5d D:The next hand is a great example why the raise for Information in poker language is sooo important!in the earlier Training Videos you see how pro Players playing the turn very agressively when their are protecting their Hand against draws or raising to create value or even if they are playing a semi bluff very agressive!but here we live in an other world...we#ve got a raise infront of us pre and we´re flatting only with a marginal Hand like a5 which is still playable but it´s very inportant how the flop does come..in this case Kc;Qh;Qc!we´ve got a few checks infront of us and the Player right infront of us is betting 60 only!i simplay falttet here not to run into a strong Hand like aflopped full house trip Queens or something like that!the turn is very interesting...the Player in the sb is leading with 60 which is called a donkbet and Francis is minraising here only min but it gives you to think!mostly we´re running against at least one draw and maybe a queen with a bad kicker...thats why the all in is only played in higher Levels because you dont want to risk your tournament life by running into a Monster so early!But in this spot for me it was the right decision to RAISE FOR INFORMATION here...i want to know especially what bewather is Holding and most likely push him out with his flashdraw!the stack sizes don´t allow me to raise bigger here in my opinion because a bigger raise would be agressively pushed and i want to create bluff induce for the river by representing a Combo draw that#s only small raised here or to represent the unbeatable full boat with kq on the river because if your opp holds maybe qj or q10 it does worth a bluff on the river because the way we played the hand give at least one to think about the full house or if a heart appears the nutflush!but two Players are calling and i have to give up the Hand on the river!cya next time your jerome127!