
Resilient Sounds & Taramps Combo Deals, Bass Demos and More..

Resilient Sounds & Taramps Combo Deals, Bass Demos and More.. ReSilient Sounds & Taramps combo deals, bass demos and more.. Just sharing the info. This Is A Big Deal! ReSilient has linked with Taramps to offer very nice package deals to the community. I guess you can call this a informative bass video with a nice bass demo at the end.
For anyone wondering how things are holding up? YES I'm happy and humble. The amps are doing work and the speakers like the power. If you ask me I think its a great match up! Advice... The amp monitor is one of the most valuable things next to the volt meter in my eyes.

I can be mean on my equipment at times just pushing things as they are intended (Never abusing). I like to have fun in the hobby that means demos and competing. I demo for hours in and make my runs in the SPL lanes sometimes back to back classes. My trick is proper settings, voltage - keeping an eye on it and clipping. This is why some youtube videos the bassheads be looking serious AF haha. That's them just keeping an eye on things.

For those new to the channel the build is a 2009 Chevy Maibu with 2 ReSiient Team 15's paired up with 2 Taramps MD 8000.1 2 Ohm amps. 115 amp hours BigVell Lithium.

🚨Check out ReSilient Sounds website for great combo deals that are truly hard to beat. Damn I'm starting to sound like a commercial but nope just passing on great info! No commission here.

This info is legit (straight from the source) I hope you enjoyed the video

Some have wondered... Why 2 Ohm models why not 1 Ohm and wire them at 1/2? I went with the 2 Ohm models to fight impedance rise. Even if I rise to lets say 4 ohms reactive (speaker impedance while moving) I'm still getting well over 10Kw in a perfect world. Besides I don't trust any Brazilian amp under rated impedance I seen too much. I wanted this build issue free with power and so far happy happy yes and sir.

I will be doing more videos over the winter about my thoughts on electrical, wiring amps, Korean vs Brazilian, That famous word "box rise" I call it impedance rise, Getting Louder and more. I also have some fun ideas for the community coming up.

I will be doing collaborations with a few friends that have YouTube channels in a fun FUN way. Also tons more how to, highlighting cool things that can help us in the community, bass footage, showcasing more in my hometown and things that I see interesting and that you might enjoy. Basically I'm trying to give the community the best I can.

Peace and Bass

Tags. #ReSilientSounds #Taramps #BigVellLithium

ReSiient Sounds,Taramps USA,Bass Combo Deals,Great Pricing,Smart Marketing,car audio,loud bass,Bass For Sale,Down For Sound,Skyhigh Car Audio,Team ReSilient Sounds,ReSilient Sounds Bass Demo,ReSilient Sounds 6.5,ReSilient Sounds 6.5 Neo,ReSilient Sounds Team 15,4th Order Chevy Malibu,BigVell Lithium,Peace and Bass,#Peace and Bass,Taramps md 8000.1,Taramps Ts 400x4,Loud Sound,Loud Demo,Loud Music,16000 watts,Sundown Audio,

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