
Why willpower won't be enough to keep you on track

Why willpower won't be enough to keep you on track It’s not about the food…not really.

It’s not that we don’t KNOW that sugary treats are bad for us…

It’s not that we don’t KNOW that eating too much is going to sabotage our success…

It’s not even that we’re confused about what to eat and not eat because, generally speaking, we already have a pretty good sense of that, right?

It’s the DOING IT (and doing it consistently) that’s the problem.

…and hoping for more WILLPOWER 💪 isn’t enough.

In order to make real, lasting, sustainable change we need to go deeper than just focusing on the sugar, carbs and night-time binges.

We need to get down the the ROOT CAUSE of what’s really driving all of those habits, patterns and cravings.

WATCH this week’s video 🎥 to learn what that is and how you can start changing it.

To learn more about the Change Your Brain - Change Your Body program, visit

mindful eating,emotional eating,binge eating,

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