
My Age| Thoughts on getting older| Pulmonary Hypertension

My Age| Thoughts on getting older| Pulmonary Hypertension #pulmonaryhypertension #raredisease #gettingolder

Hope you enjoy this video...My age/Thoughts on getting older-

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Thank you so much for tuning in! I was diagnosed with severe Pulmonary Hypertension 6 years ago, after having been misdiagnosed for 5 years. When I was finally diagnosed, I was in heart failure (the right side of my heart was three times its normal size), I was told that I may not have much time left to live, that I may never leave the hospital again and that if I did, I would have to be on oxygen for the rest of my life! (Not the best news!)

I had just booked a tour and was about to release my new album when everything just broke loose. Here I am, 6 years later feeling a zillion times better. I am so incredibly grateful to be alive! It is my hope that some of the things I've done may be of value to YOU.

For the past 6 years, I have utilized five key elements that I believe have played a huge role in my improvement. They are Nutritional Lifestyle, Exercise, Mindset, Creative expression and Quality time with Family and friends. I believe that these key elements have not only allowed for the medication to work when I was told that it most likely wouldn’t (because my Pulmonary Hypertension was so severe- pulmonary pressures were at 180) but that they have also allowed me to drastically reduce my meds. I am currently on very low doses of medication and I really don't experience any side effects.

I get so many emails from people asking about nutrition, exercise, how to stay positive when things get difficult...basically wanting to find out what I’m doing.

As I always say, I have no idea what could happen to me tomorrow, but I do know that today, I’m so much better than I was.

It's my sincere hope that some of the things that have helped me may be of help to you, too.

Chloe Temtchine

My age,old age,chloe temtchine,my real age,how to deal with getting old,getting older,aging,my age dont mean a thing,Dare to Question Why We Are So Afraid of Getting Older,SCILLA ELWORTHY,ted talks,ted x,pulmonary hypertension treatment,pulmonary hypertension life expectancy,pulmonary hypertension,getting older all the time feeling younger in my mind,how to accept and deal with aging,how to deal with fear of aging and getting old,

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