I've been getting a lot of emails from newbies asking about strategy. I decided to switch it up and upload a video!
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About Me
Since I started affiliate marketing in 2008, me and my media buying team have generated 8+ figures in commissions through Facebook, mobile, and display buys.
I run one of the most popular affiliate marketing blogs in the world here:
Want more?
Snapchat: charles_ngo
Wanna see what everyday life's like as an affiliate marketer?
I use Snapchat every day to give you a look inside my life. What I do every day, how I think and make decisions etc. I give away a lot of affiliate marketing tips and strategies + some insider only secrets (Snapchats disappear in 24 hours so I don't mind giving away more there!)
Facebook is the main social platform I use. It's where we can talk affiliate marketing / business / productivity etc.
I use Facebook to release info about parties, meet ups, events and other industry news.
My Personal Blog:
I've been blogging about affiliate marketing since 2012 and I'm not stopping now! Every single week I write a post to help you out in affiliate marketing, productivity, or business.
I've started answering a lot of questions from you guys via YouTube. So if you've got a question, send it in to me and I'll do my best to answer it!
Subscribe to my YouTube channel to get notified as soon as I release new videos!
Affiliate Marketing Training:
AFFcelerator is the most high-end affiliate marketing training available. Me and my instructors will show you how we make $10k per day through affiliate marketing, and teach you to do the same.
Affiliate Marketing Newsletter:
Each week I send out a newsletter to 30,000+ affiliate marketers. The newsletter includes lessons I've learned, trends and opportunities, affiliate marketing strategies you can use to make more money.
Look forward to connecting with you!
(Blog comments/Facebook comments are the best way to chat)