Welcome to ElunE! Another part in my new player series designed to answer FAQ's from the new players entering the community. Glad you decided to join us. Subscribe for more and check out the playlist for topics relevant to your stage in the early game!
Haven't tried Elune yet? Let me tell you quick about its appeal. It is both a Gacha game and a complex but fun turn based RPG. If unfamiliar with Gacha games, think of it like this. You summon your teammates via a mechanic very reminiscent of TCG games we played as kids. Pokemon/Yugioh etc. You buy booster packs and tried to collect monsters to build your "deck" or your custom built strategy to take into battle. That is what we are doing when we summon via Gacha.
Then we make those units stronger in a virtual RPG combat system with an awesome turn swap mechanic that can be used to unlock all kinds of strategy. Then you have class roles and diverse unique character kits that unlock an entire world of options to tackle fun challenges to be found in the manual-play content Elune has to offer.
And the fact that I mention manual-play means there is an Auto Feature. So I can have my units grind resources for me while I am occupied doing something else and it feels like I am still accomplishing something in-game while the responsibilities of the real world drag me elsewhere. It really is an amazing system and exactly where the dying MMORPG genre and others need to take notes.
So if any of this sounds appealing to you why not give it a try? You get 90 free foils to open every month just for playing the game, and if you want to support the devs after you find some fun game-play available in Elune that's your prerogative but you CAN have a lot of fun on an entirely F2P basis as well if that's what you need.
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