"Do you have a question about being a parent that I can try an answer with a parody song?"
"Wouldn't it be easier and much more efficient for you to just google it and then email me an answer?"
"Yes definitely but that would wouldn't scratch my creative itch that can only be the start of a fairly significant mid life crisis."
"Fair enough."
"We have 3 children (A girl and 2 boys) and therefore I consider that to mean that we are fully qualified level 3 parents. "
"Level 3 parents? What does that mean?"
"It means nothing other than if you have 1 or 2 children there's a chance that you're getting a tiny bit more sleep than us.That you have maybe 10% less plastic in your house than us.That your family car looks more like a car and less than something used to transport a small army through a war zone.When it comes to giving advice and answering any questions you may have I'm very much coming at it from the school of...
"Wow surely I'm not making this same mistake again? Oh no it looks like I am oh well hopefully I'll learn from it one day!".....approach.I also think that a sense of humour can help to round the sharper edges of life which is why my parenting answers will usually come in the form of a slightly out of tune parody song."
"Surely all children are unique and therefore need a slightly different style of parenting?"
"Wow,err yes that's quite a well thought out sensible question for me to have to answer.I'm going to go with the old politicians preferred response, it's not really a yes or no answer.
"Wow nicely dodged."
"Yes all children are unique and therefore probably need varying styles of parenting support but I think there are parenting stresses and challenges that are universal.
1) Not getting enough sleep? Yes that's universal!
2) Suddenly finding anything that is not being at home cleaning,wiping,feeding etc as a proper treat? For example...
"Argh cleaning up syringes and human waste under a pier...life is gooooood!" Yes that's universal!
3) Waiting up in a cold sweat thinking about the school run? Yes that's universal!
4) Being word perfect on the Gruffalo? May depend on a number of cultural factors but that's probably a little bit universal!
5) Dragging yourself through the exhaustion and stress of parenting life and wondering how you still feel happier now than when you could watch telly in bed all weekend and get drunk on a Tuesday night? yes that's definitely universal!
Anyway if you have a question for me please put it in the comments section below.All sarky default defence mechanism aside I do genuinely want to help where I can and would really appreciate your support with building this Youtube channel.
If you fancied Subscribing to my channel and sharing a song that would be really helping me out.
Anyway regardless of where you are on your parenting white knuckle roller coaster ride good luck.
Love James aka The Middle Class Wrapper
Thank you to Destiny's Child for creating this awesome song used in the backing.
The lyrics in this song are subject to copyright James Macdonald 2019
Dear Mums and Dads,
How's it going? I genuinely hope you're all doing okay.If you are anything like us you fluctuate between happy, blessed to have kids but with an ever present underlying feeling of exhaustion.
I set up this Youtube channel because writing parody songs and generally being a Wally really helps me with my intrusive thoughts,OCD anxiety stuff.
That said if I can amuse some Mums and Dads and maybe even give a hopefully positive,useful,common sense type perspective on a problem you may have through the most unlikely of techniques,a parody song,then hopefully everyone wins.Either that or you or your partner might feel relieved that your hobby/possible mid life crisis is contained to the house not the whole Internet.
To check out and subscribe to my website
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To find me on Twitter
Middle Class Wrapper @DadMissions2018
To find me on Instagram its
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