
Career Conversations: Why Engineers Should Learn UX Design with Gabe Ruttner

Career Conversations: Why Engineers Should Learn UX Design with Gabe Ruttner Learn more about Udacity's UX Designer Nanodegree program:

Join Matt Hui, Product Lead at Udacity, in conversation with Gabe Ruttner, Co-Founder & CTO of Feather Docs, and one of the instructors for the UX Designer Nanodegree program. They will discuss why it is so valuable for engineers to understand design fundamentals, how knowledge of UX design helps engineers more effectively develop digital products, how engineers and designers scope a project, and more!

Bio: Gabe leads product, UX, and engineering for machine learning products at early-stage startups. His last company built UX research tools for designers at Fortune 500 companies.

User Experience Design,Engineering,Product Design,Design Sprints,UX,UI,User Experience,Digital Product Design,

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