This was when I decided to get over the hump in my career of not moving up to the next level.
Branding ones self online is the only way to go now a days if you plan on building a viable brand.
I want to empower and enlighten you people out there that are struggling to find a way for yourself. I want to make us into a community of creators and doers.
This video is for Felons, Parolees, Drop Outs, people Looking for work.
#Change #Felon #HardWork #BlackExcellence #MillionaireMindset
Snap chat:
• 0:01 - 0:53
Hey what’s going on YouTube. My name is Daevon specs Ealey. And this is my YouTube channel MRMR 24/7.
Well I created this channel because ....Well for numerous reasons, but the main one is because it’s time to brand myself.
It's a lot of people that’s making a lot of money on YouTube, Facebook ,Instagram and all of that.
They had businesses prior to that or started businesses and having a fanbase makes it so much easier for me to get my products to you, my content to you my, my point of view to you. Anything that I want to accomplish is made easier. This is so much easier with following right?
So that's why am going to need for you guys to subscribe to me.
I haven't even told you anything about me at all . I had a rough life, I’ll talk to you about that.
I’m writing a book, I went to school for Network Administration and security. That's computers or whatever have you.
• 0:55 - 1:55
Couldn’t do nothing with it. I'm a felon. I worked a lot of miscellaneous jobs. I worked to get into the Union. Last year I made almost $100,000. That wasn't good enough.
I experienced a failed relationship or whatever have you. No regrets about that. Wish them the best. I have a son who will eventually be a black man. I need to do things differently. All right? and this is the start right here. This is me doing things differently.
Imma look back on this and I'm going to be able to show somebody and be like, you see where I started so long ago.
So my first my first words of advice to you is for you to do what I'm doing. Basically I was nervous. I’m nervous now being in front of the camera, but I have to start somewhere.
GI know that eventually I'm going to be awesome. I’ll have all types of edits and all types of all of the fancy stuff that you see on YouTube, and all types of fingers and arrows pointing down. I'll probably have that now because I got some apps to work with but you know, please, you know.
Support support the movement.
• 1:55 - 1:57
Please share
• 1:59 - 2:57
Do whatever you got to do, but please subscribe. That's what it is. Subscribe and follow me.
My Instagram @daevon_spec_ealey Snap chat👻specs_Vision or whatever.
I had to create a bunch of new social media platforms. I have Facebook. I been had Facebook, now I have the business page and all that.
I got the Instagram and I will put all that stuff below .Now I know why they say that.
I want to know if I should go by specs right or should I go by mister mister 24/7?
Like you know what I mean, because I'm grown now, and it's not like you can take a break from this thing.
I'm a dad and everything, I'm an entrepreneur, I'm building a business.
I'm building a brand right?
Let me know what you guys think.
• 2:58 - 3:06
All right! Until next time. Peace out. Keep your mind right, your money right, and all that stuff and you know.
Work to improve! Don't work to live!