Jupiter's Trojan asteroid herds may be the remnants of primitive material that forms outer planets and serve as time capsules 4 billion years before the birth of our Solar System. Trojans are in orbit in two loose groups that revolve around the Sun, one group always on its way before Jupiter, the other always behind. At these two Lagrange points, the bodies are balanced by the Sun and Jupiter in the gravity balancing movement. These primitive bodies have vital clues to decipher the history of the solar system and perhaps the origins of life and organic material on Earth.
Lucy will be the first space mission to study Trojans. The mission takes its name from the fossilized human ancestors (called “Lucy tarafından by its discoveries), whose skeleton provides a unique insight into the evolution of humanity. Similarly, Lucy's mission will revolutionize our knowledge of the origins of planets and the formation of the solar system.
Lucy will begin in October 2021 and, with Earth's gravitational increases, complete a 12-year journey on seven different asteroids - a Main Belt asteroid and six Trojans, a “two-price” -one ”dual system. Lucy’s complex path will lead to both Trojan horse clusters and give us a close-up of the three great body types (C-, P- and D-types) in the herds.
Viewers: Kel Elkins (lead), Ernie Wright
Credit : NASA
This video has been used with NASA permission here :
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