
They are suffering from various disabilities and they need your love and support to stay strong.

They are suffering from various disabilities and they need your love and support to stay strong. Under the name of Khagendra New Life Home, Nepal Disabled Association is providing shelter to poor and physically impaired people at free of costs. Currently, there are 64 PWDs living in the shelter. The home is taking care of their food, accommodation, clothing and medical bearing.With the Collaboration of NDAKNLC and Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, 23 PWDs are rehabilitated providing the residential care, and rest 41 PWDs are rehabilitated by the collection of minimum donation. Since, NDAKNLC is managing the expenses of the home which provides multi-spectral rehabilitation services to the persons with severe disabilities. It aims to provide holistic services such as residential facility, intensive physiotherapy, and training on activities for the daily skills (ADLS), nursing care, counselling and motivation, in the coming day.


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