
Mission Limitless *WARNING! Extremely Powerful*

Mission Limitless *WARNING! Extremely Powerful* ♥ Hey Guys! ♥

♥ Welcome to Anita’s Concoctions.

This subliminal gives you all the benefits of NZT-48 (the drug in the movie “Limitless”). So unlike Eddie Morra, you won’t experience any negative effects of the drug!

◘ CAUTION! ◘ You might experience headaches while listening to this initially because this subliminal is very strong. Start by listening for no more than five times a day. After that you can slowly build on it.

This subliminal has the following benefits:
• possess a limitless level of intellectual and cognitive proficiency
• process massive amounts of information
• process an otherwise impossible number of simultaneous calculations
• identify all of the variables in any situation
• Instantly cross-correlate previously accessed information
• flawlessly remember and instantly recall everything you have ever experienced, encountered or learned in your lifetime without being overwhelmed or pausing for a thought
• brain and mind gain an unlimited storage and analytical capacity
• gather and assimilate any kind of knowledge and skill and understand it fully and rapidly
• read things at extremely high speeds while still retaining all of the information
• subconsciously notice, process and understand the details of any stimulus, no matter how small, as well as perceive and understand a large number of cause and effect relations
• intuitively plan, analyze, and take action with perfect efficiency without trouble
• be capable of creating functionally flawless, elaborate plans effortlessly
• instantly deduce the steps needed to succeed at any given task and execute them perfectly
• have the ability to rapidly gain fluency in most known forms of communication, often becoming fluent through newly available memories of prior exposures
• have superhuman charisma
• be an eloquent speaker and story-teller
• be extremely gifted at writing
• be infallibly persuasive and charismatic
• deduce the ideal statements for most crowds
• your uncanny charisma allows you to easily take leadership role in any situations
• have superhuman dexterity
• possess perfect muscle control
• be able to perform any physical act without difficulty
• can perform dexterous task with no practice beforehand rapidly and flawlessly
• copy any movement or action after seeing it performed once
• able to perform multiple tasks at once flawlessly and efficiently
• have superhuman sensory absorption
• can absorb information from all types of media at a superhuman rate
• able to sit in a room with hundreds of television and radio sets blaring away all around you each with a different source, and you can see and hear all of it, process it all, finding patterns or specific details without any trouble
• have Superhuman instincts
• possesses a mind and instinct which processes the world in the most advanced and efficient manner
• make the right decision in any situation, multiplying the survivability and success rate, allowing yourself to overcome any hardship with minimal damage and pull victory despite all odds
• can easily become proficient at every task and skill
• can handle all situations and matters, regardless of the problem, situation or conflict
• always being able to see a way to win and/or escape any situation
• have infinite amounts of energy (more energy than Goku)
• be active focused and ready to crush your goals
• the world always seems bright and happy for you

I do not list out the exact affirmations here because subliminals work better when you don’t know the affirmations. Please listen to this at a comfortable volume (20%-50%).

Make sure you are listening to this at a volume where the affirmations in the background can be barely heard. This will ensure that you are not listening to the affirmations with your conscious mind. We want the affirmations to be directly registered at the subconscious level.

♥ This subliminal does not contain any frequencies, isochronic tones or binaural beats ♥

♥ This submilinal does not contain any negative affirmations ♥

♥ Keep sipping on water while listening to this because this subliminal was created using an extra strong formula. ♥

Note: Subliminals can take anywhere between 3 weeks to 3 months to start showing results. So patience is the key. For optimal results, please ensure you listen to this subliminal for an hour everyday!

Enjoy Guys!

♥ Love, Anita. ♥

limitless,nzt48,intelligence,subliminal stimuli,subliminal,

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