Instagram is full of beautiful photos but the difference between real life and Instagram photos is huge! Girls look perfect and skinny on photos but everything depends on the right pose you are making a photo, makeup, photoshop, and filters. All the people look very happy on photos but it’s actually not true. How do you usually spend time with friends? Nobody talks, staring on the phone, very boring! The same story usually happens while family meetings. Instagram photos show smiling faces that pretend to have a lot of fun! Moreover, people usually lie about relationship status and even make photos with stranger boys or girls to pretend that they are in a happy relationship. Not to look boring a lot of people post photos that they spend the weekends partying, riding a bicycle and more. In reality, they mostly spend time at home watching a TV show. Moreover, a lot of people pretend to eat only healthy food and post photos of smoothies and low-fat food. But in reality, you can meet these people in McDonald's.
Moreover, you will find a selection of photo tricks to make your photos much cooler. All these tricks you can make using an ordinary smartphone and don’t need to buy an expensive camera or buy expensive photoshop lessons. Find out how to make creative splash photos, how to look skinnier on photos or add some curve, how to make romantic photos and awesome group photo. Watch the video till end and find more secrets! You will love these lifehacks as they do not require any special skill.
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00:09 Photo prank
00:48 DIY underwater camera
01:04 Instagram vs real life
04:15 Photo tricks you should know
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